Thursday, November 21, 2013

Raise Your Speed...By Reading?

Another dirty secret...I read. A lot. At my wedding, my cousin literally said I devour books like a starving T-Rex in his best man toast. So naturally, I read about training more than anything. And through the process, I've discovered quite a few helpful books.

The latest is called Ride Fast By Eric Harr.

The premise? In just 10 weeks, anyone can raise their speed to 25 mph. While I'm not sure if it actually works, the logic is sound. The basic premise is that by training your desired speed in small doses and by training your lactic acid and anaerobic thresholds, you can increase your ability to hold faster speeds for longer periods of time until it becomes your average.

It's basically standardizing what continued pushing of the limits will do to anybody. But it comes with a training plan and it works, from people's reviews. Currently with the Ironman training, I don't have enough hours in the week to do this program but I'd love to hear from anybody who has in the comments! Pick it up at a Barnes and Noble near you!

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